Monday, June 16, 2014

Another week already????

Wow. Time is going by so fast. This week has been crazy busy. Some of the funny things that happened this week though:

It is super hot here....and so we decided before we were going to eat lunch one day to soad our feet in cold water in the bathtub to cool down. Well my companion forgot to flip the water off from showerhead to bathtub (I still think she probably did it on purpose haha!) and so when I turned on the water I was expecting the water to come out from the bathtub but it came out from the showerhead and cooled me right fact I just pretty much had a whole new shower that day! I was soaked! We laughed about it for a pretty long time.

Also this week, Sister Cropper was saying one of the prayers and I think as soon as I kneeled down, I just fell asleep. I dont remember any of the prayer. Anyways, she finished the prayer and I was still asleep so she just left me there for about 5 minutes before we had to go to a program. She woke me up and it scared me pretty bad. I had no idea I feel asleep. Its also been the joke for the week haha! The Lord really does give you energy to keep you going during the day....its just sometimes hard when you finally stop moving haha!

English Class - I felt like I needed to do the spiritual thought in english class this week. And I felt like I needed to share one specific verse 2 Nephi 25:26. But I didnt want to share it because that is exactly the same scripture that Sister Cropper shared last week. But I felt like I needed to do it and so I added a couple of other verses with that scripture and bore testimony of why I am a missionary and how much I love the gospel. There was one new person in our english class who spoke hardly any english, she was sitting in the very back. She started bawling when I shared the scipture. God really does know exactly what His children need.

Our investigators are doing well. We had a super crazy weekend with them all.

Saturday we went to a less actives daughters graduation and helped her with a lunch afterwards. All of her family was there who arent members so we got to talk to them a lot. Her niece was super nice and friendly to us and we got to talk to her for a while. She wanted to show us her dog so we went over to her house thinking we could just see this little cute dog. It was the biggest dog I have ever seen in my life. I think it was the same type of dog from the sandlot. It was huge! And as soon as he came to see us, he shook his head and all of his drool got all over us. We stunk like dog the rest of the day. I wish I could send some pictures of it home. You will have to wait til I get home to see.

Then as soon as that was over, we ran over to the branch house because the misionaries had volunteered to plan the branch activity. It was all sorts of crazy when we got there, a ton of people had come. We were all going over to have a hot dog roast and we had planned to do a 'Tree of Life' activity with them. We were waiting for some other investigators to come so all of our other investigators waited with us. When we were almost to where we would turn down a street to go to the place where the fire roast would be, I just had an overwhelming sense of what being a missionary really is. When we were walking, I was holding little M's hand, D had her arm wrapped around my other arm V was walking in front of me talking to me, S had to hands on my sholders trying to steer me, we had É and her family walking with us, B and her family, 4 less active members, and some other members walking with us. Then coming from the other direction I looked out and saw sister Smith walking with F and all of his family and some of their cousins. From a ways away, F waved to me and just had the biggest grin on his face. It was in just that small moment that I just really felt that this is what missionary work really is about. Bringing people along with you towards the Savior. We hadnt even started the actual activity but I started tearing up just looking at all these people whom I love so dearly and I just had the most overwhelming love for them. Being a missionary is seriously the best thing in the world! I love these people so much!!!!

The activity was awesome! We were a little bit disorganized but the spirit really helped! We set up a short rope course and had obstacles along the path. The elders were the tempters (and they did a good job...they got a lot of people off the rope...everytime they got off they had to 'repent' and start over) I was on the rope and I was the GATE on the path telling people what they would face on this journey. As each one of our investigators came to talk to me, I only had a short 1 minute or so to tell them what they needed to do in order to stay on the course to the tree. And one of those things they had to do was baptism. It was not a very long time to say anything, but it doesnt take a long time for the spirit to testify to someone. It turned out to be a really good activity. I think everyone learned a lot from it. Everyone eventually made it to the tree though....the little kids were the funniest because the elders could get them off the rope so easily! It was a really good activity.

Then we just got to roast marshmellows and hot dogs and let everyone talk with each other. it was a great day! And it was a great turn out!

And everyone liked it so much....they came to church! We had 11 investigators come to church yesterday. One of which was someone we had just talked to on the street. It was great we had so many people at church, but I am pretty sure I looked like a chicken with my head cut off. I have never been running in so many different directions once sacrament was over. Dealing with kids can be sure crazy sometimes. When church was done and all the craziness of the day was over, Sister Cropper and I took a deep breathe and started walking home to finally get some lunch. Just as we walked out the door, the bird decided to give us another wonderful gift of luck and pooped all over got all over in my hair and other over Sister Croppers hair. I am so glad that the birds have decided to love us so much. I have never had problems with birds pooping on me until now. But we did get quite a good laugh from it. We really needed a good laugh!

It has just been an amazing week this week. This week I learned a lot about what is really means to change....not just your behavior but your nature and your character. And change all starts with what your desires are. That is why is it so important to have good desires and good thoughts. With every good or bad thing that happens, we are always changing - for better or for worse. That is why we are commanded to remember Christ at all times and in all places so we can become more like Him. I also found a new favorite quote: 'Brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things.' We will find a way over the challenges 'brick walls'  in our lives, if we just dont give up and let God help us find a way over them.

I love being a missionary. I love this work. God does live and He does know His children. This gospel is true. It is also the only true  way to happiness in life. I love my life!

FAlslev Nővér

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