Monday, April 28, 2014

WHOO!!!!!! Missionary work is the best!

Wow. This week has just been filled with so many miracles. I dont even know where to start. Our investigators are doing so well!

This week we went on splits and they were pretty crazy. It took us a long time with traveling to split so we didnt have a lot of time to plan all of our programs. I now know why we really have a lot of time in the morning to plan....when you dont plan your programs dont go as smoothly. But I did learn quite a bit and we had a good time! I went with Sister Rupard so it was good to be with her again.

We also met with É and she is going to have to make a really hard decision of whether she wants to get married or not. It is a really hard decision and we have been praying for her a lot this week. She told us though after we talked about what she needs to do to be baptized, she read more than she has ever read out of the BOM before. She is doing so well, we just hope she can hang on when it gets rough.

Also this week we didnt really have a whole lot of time for finding so we tried to do some finding through the area book. We found this guy who really wanted to meet with us the next day and we thought it was going to be so cool! We asked Sister S to go with us and when we went to go find the guys house, we found out we read the directions wrong and were on the wrong side of town. So we got in a very nice, long run in the rain. When we got to the building, we buzzed into his apartment and found out that he was working even though we had talked to him the night before. So frustrating. But then Sister Smith said that another old investigator had been in that same building. So we tried to just buzz into someone who would let us into the building. This nice lady who was coming into the building finally let us in, but as soon as she let us in, there was a guy standing by the elevator and he started screaming and yelling at us that we were coming into the building. Sister Jensen and I were a little scared because we didnt really understand quite what he was saying, just that he wanted to get us out of the building. But Sister Smith, (she is used to not understanding people) just went right ahead and started walking up the stairs. Sister Jensen and I didnt really know what to do, so we just followed Sister Smith up the stairs while the guy was yelling at us. Luckily he didnt follow us and didnt call the cops. And we found and had an awesome program with E. She was going to be baptized last summer but her mom got really sick and had to stop investigating. She still had the BOM out on her table and a gospel principles book that she reads out of often. It was a really good program and she said she wanted to start meeting with the missionaries again.

Also this week, we experienced another miracle. We have been trying to visit an RCLA who the missionaries have not been able to visit for over 3 months. We ended up having just a few minutes and we got let into her building, she was home, and come to find out, she had been offended and was scared to come back to church. It was a really good program! And the timing worked out perfectly! Its amazing how sometimes you dont think you will have time to fit everything in, but when you put the Lord first, everything else fits right into place.

We also had 2 baptisms yesterday. It was a beautiful day yesterday and everything went perfectly! It was a yong 25 year old girl and an older lady who got baptized and they are really going to be a good strength to the branch. We decided yesterday that we were not going to walk the M girls to church but to see if they could get their themselves. Sacrament meeting started and the girls werent there. We were so sad!!! But about 15 minutes after it started they came!!! MIRACLE!!! We were so happy! And to make things even better, they were really good the WHOLE DAY long! They tooks notes during the talks, we got them ready to sing for mothers day next week in sacrament and they are super excited about that, and then they went with us to the baptism right after. All the members helped with them and the girls loved seeing the baptism. It was such a good day! And we are hoping their parents will come to see them sing next week. It was an awesome day at church yesterday!

We also met with the F family. They made us another delicious meal! And we talked about baptism with the father. All the family was there and also listening. It was a hard lesson. He really wants to be baptized but doesnt feel like he can have such a gift for him. They really are the greatest family. Anyways, we thought it was a really rough program, but we finally got F (the father) to say the prayer at the end and it was such a powerful prayer. The whole family was quite (even the 2 year old who had been screaming almost during the whole thing) and the spirit was so strong. During his prayer he stopped and then just said 'Lord, I promise I will be baptized and do what you want. Just please help me get there'. It was awesome!

Today we met with M. He is the coolest 19 year old kid ever! We had a really good program with him. He also asked us to pray for his brother today that his brother could get accepted into this school and he called us a little bit after his program to tell us that when he got home, his brother had gotten an acceptance letter in the mail from the school and the acceptance letter had come a lot earlier than expected. M was so excited to tell us! We were so happy for him.

Things have just been going so well with things. It is so hard - I really have never been so tired in my life. We are running and going all the time. But it is the best feeling in the world to really see the change that the Lord can bring into peoples lives. Being a missionary is the best! Love you all!

FAlslev Nővér

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wow what a week!

Time is going by so fast. I cant believe it has already been a week. It seems like it has been a few hours. Yesterday was still easter holiday here so everything was closed. That is why I am emailing today. This week has been awesome! I just dont really know where to begin.

 É is awesome! She really wants to be baptized and she comes to everything. We had a baptisimal date with her and then today we met with her to talk about what she needs to do before she gets baptized. It was a hard program. She has to get married before she get baptized. It is so hard to see how much some of these people have to go through in order to get baptized, but it will be so worth it in the end. We are hoping she still keeps going! She really wants her daughter to be baptized still if she cant but we will see what happens. They are such an awesome family!

On Friday, we decided to put on an easter egg hunt/scavenger hunt game for game night and we were a little worried about it turning out. We had quite a few people show up (pretty much all of our investigators) and it turned out so well! They had so much fun! At the end of the scavenger hunt, we hid the cookies out by the tree in the back of the branch house, but after we set up, the sprinklers came on. So when they found the prize, the cookies were all soggy, but they loved the game anyways! We were laughing so hard seeing all the kids race around and try to find the next clue. We hid one of the clues under a chair and they had to find out which chair it was. One of the girls found the clue and yelled out she found it and pretty soon a huge dog pile of children was on top of her all trying to get the clue. It was so funny! I love the kids here! They are awesome!

All of our investigators are doing well. We have had a lot of good programs with them. We dont have too much time to do finding but Sunday we went finding and we tracted into this older lady that tried to sell her apartment to us. We were laughing so hard! She said she needed help locking her door and she was trying to show us how to to work it. She couldnt figure it out, so she gave the keys to me. The key ring had like 20 different keys on it. When I finally found the key that worked to the door, she lost what key it was so I had to do it again. Then some boys started coming up the stairs to the building and she yelled at them to come over and talk to her. When they came over, she said 'these pretty girls are for sale. If you want them you can have them.' haha! We had no idea what to say! Neither did the boys. It was pretty funny. We had some pretty good laughs talking to her. I love the nénies (old ladies) in Hungary! They are hilarious!

Easter was really good this year. We had a nice Sunday Easter dinner at the S's house. One of the sisters that just finished her mission came and visited with her parents. It was a really good dinner to talk to them. We only had 2 kids in primary this week so primary was a lot less crazier. It was really fun!

Yesterday was the greatest day. They have a tradition in Hungary that the day after Easter, the boys go around and they spray the girls. They can either spray them with water (which isnt really spraying but more like dumping water) or they can spray them with perfume. I guess it is symbolic of spring and girls are like a flower. The boys dont want the flower to wilt and so they have to spray them. The boys have to say a poem to the girls and if the girls like it, the boys can spray them. If not the boys have to say another poem. Then after the boys spray the girls, the girls give the boys a chocolate egg. So knowing this, one of our family investigators, called us Sunday night like 5 times within 10 minutes so we thought some sort of emergency was happening with them. Turns out, he just wanted to invite us over to their house at 8 in the morning. He wouldnt tell us why, but we told him we would come. We thought they were going to drench us. (they like to joke with us so we thought for sure they were going to get us wet). They live a little far away so we had the S's take us to their house. We pulled up and all the sudden, 12 boys come out of the house and are all lined up. We thought 'oh no, we are really gonna be drenched'. Then they all pulled out perfume and started spraying our heads. There was so much perfume. It was dripping off of my head haha! It was so funny! It was a really cool tradition though. Then they said they had another surprise for us inside and we went inside and they had literally prepared a FEAST for us. There was no room for even plates on their table and they had more food on the counter. I almost started bawling. This family has a hard time even affording food for every meal. They treated us like royalty. They sat us down and served us and then they all sat and watched us start eating (a little intimidating when tons of people are watching you - they had their cousins and siblings all over). They are just the most giving family ever! I love the F! They have the cutest little 2 year old daughter that wanted to come home with us when we were leaving. I love this family so much!

So after that big feast, we went over to another nénies house and she made us another easter lunch. I was so full! We have talked to her quite a bit on the street and she invited us over for easter dinner. It was such a delicious meal! I thought I would burst!

Then we had a FHE with the F over at the S's house. It turned out so well! We talked about the real meaning of Easter and it went so well with the children. The famils is just so united and love each other so much. That isnt very common in Hungary all the time. It was a really good time with them. The dad is the one who is really investigating the church and he is praying about baptism right now. He reads a ton out of the BOM so we are hoping now that they will just come to church!

Then after that, we went and roasted hot dogs with the elders at a park. It was so much fun! It started to get a little bit dark and we noticed that bats were out. We were all having a grand time until the bats started diving at us. They didnt hit any of us but they got a little too close for comfort so we are started running away. Bats were everywhere! We arent sure why there were so many bats but it was quite an adventure.

This week I also got to study a lot about the Atonement and the resurection. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with just helping all these people and knowing what to do and doing what Christ would want done. But then I realized that that is why I have the ATonement. We do not just have the Atonement to help us be clean and free from our sins, but to also empower us to do those things that sometimes seem impossible to do. The Atonement is not just used after we had done something and made a mistake, but it gives us the strength to do the things that the Lord needs us to do. I am so grateful for the Atonement that I can gain the strength that I need to do what the Lord needs me to do. I love this gospel! And I love being a missionary! It is the greatest gift in the world!

I love you all! Hope you had a wonderful easter!

Falslev Nővér

1st birthday party. That is a firework thing that put in his cake. It was a giant birthday cake! 

me by the little river they have here. it is beautiful here!

szolnok is super pretty!

szolnok is super pretty!

awesome looking bridge that is super cool at night. it is all lit up at night. i just dont have a very good night setting on my camera :(

some of the food for Easter.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Wow. This has been the craziest week ever. But it has been really good. Szolnok is awesome! It is a lot different here. It is so clean and the people are so nice! I cant believe it. And there is so much work. We have had to run everywhere to get to places on time. we have a ton of investigators and it is so nice!

Szolnok is small but beautiful. We have a senior couple here and they are SO helpful and nice. It is so nice to have a senior couple. They have helped us out a ton.

So to start off with some of our investigators....the first people I met were D, G, A and E.  We teach them english and do a lot with them. When I first met them, they all showed me their BOM's and what they read in them that week. It was a lot difference teaching kids but it was really good. We also got to meet with their family last night and we were able to get the dad to participate and listen. It was a really good lesson. We see this family almost everyday. They are awesome.

Then we met with M. He is super cool! And is really interested in Joseph Smith. We showed him the restoration movie and he said that he felt like he is a lot like Joseph Smith right now and is searching for the truth. It was a really good program with him.

And we have the M family. Wow. I love them so much but it was quite a shock for me. They have 12 children. And it is a little crazy teaching them. In fact really crazy but they are awesome. The kids are learning a lot and they have been reading and praying together as a family. The parents are slowly getting more interested in the church so we will see what happens. They are a super loving family though.

We also went to Szeged from training this week and it was so beautiful! It was fun to see another city. It was a good meeting.

Church was honestly the craziest sunday. We went and picked up the M for church. We usually only have 3 kids that come with us but this time we had 5. The oldest is 12, then 10, then 9, then 8, then 4. We also had a few other kids come to church. Needless to say, we had our hands FULL. The branch is small here. I think there was about 10-20 people who were actually members. Sacrament meeting was good. The kids did pretty good and one of them even got up to bear their testimony.

Then we had primary. We got to teach primary :) there was only 8 kids but it was crazy. They are all investigators. But it was so fun to see them sing. They learned the wise man and the foolish man song and they loved it. We went over to their house for a birthday party for their 1 year old brother. They had a lot of extended family there that we were able to talk to and that was cool. All the kids also got up and showed their parents the song they learned in church. Everyone really enjoyed the song.

We also taught another family last night who is awesome! We are just teaching so many families and so many children. It is great! But we also have to be really creative. We do a game night here and we have more investigators than members come. We also do FHE's here a lot. THe work is just moving so great! I love being a missionary. I have been learning so much from the children here. They have such simple, but pure faith. It is the greatest to here the children pray. I couldnt help but feel the love of the Savior for His children when they pray. Heavenly FAther really does know us. It is the best thing to be a missionary! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!! And I do love Szolnok. I do miss Miskolc but Szolnok will be good for me also.

Love you all!
FAlslev Nővér

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Missions change so fast!!!!

This week has been really good. A lot has happened and our investigators have been progressing so well! Work has finally started to really pick up here!

Last week we got to go to Lillafüred with some of the members and that was a lot of fun! The members here are awesome! I will send some pictures of it later :)

We also got to go on splits this week and it was awesome! I learned a lot from them and it made me realize what I need to work on. We met quite a few really cool people that were really interested. It was such a good split.

General Conference was AMAZING!!!! We got to watch it in english. It was exactly what I needed! We also had a few investigators there that really loved it and learned a lot. We got to watch the priesthood session too in english and that was really good! And then after the ward had a delicious lunch and we got to know all the members a little bit better. It was really good. Then in the 2nd session on Sunday (the Saturday afternoon session for you  guys) my companion was totally shocked when they announced her father as a new 70! She had no idea. So that was pretty exciting. We all had a pretty good laugh about it. It was probably one of the best generel conferences for me. Everything went perfect!!!!! I especially liked Elder Bednars and Elder Uchtdorfs talk. This general conference also made me realize what a blessing it is to have a living prophet on the earth. This whole week we have been telling our investigators that they will get to see the prophet and hear what he has to say to us today...what God is trying to tell us today. Having a living prophet is such a huge blessing. My love for the prophet just grew and grew during each session we saw him. We are so lucky to live in a time where there is a prophet on the earth! We have been given so much. And now it is up to us to apply those teachings that the prophet and apostles taught us! I just love general conference.

Well this is going to be a much shorter letter. We got some pretty rough news this morning with transfers. Miskolc is being closed down to Sisters. I am honesty pretty devastated. We have been working hard and the work has just been picking up. But there is a reason for it. It usually works that when an area has been closed down, the work goes a lot better when it gets opened again. And it will only be closed until May 21st. It is just the hardest thing telling everyone that we are leaving. It isnt my favorite thing to do. So that is why this letter will be fairly short because we have quite a lot to do before we leave tomorrow. I am going to Szolnok. Its always mixed feelings on transfers. I am excited for the new things that I will learn but I am really sad to be leaving the people in Miskolc.

I am so glad that everything went well with the twins! And that everyone is healthy! Our family really has been so blessed with everything. I love you all family! Hope you have a good week!

Falslev Nővér

all the missionaries in Miskolc.

lillafüred castle!

a waterfall at lillafüred

I love the ward members! They are amazing!