Monday, May 5, 2014

Running,running, and more running.

This week has been super  crazy. We have been running everywhere. We are usually pretty lucky when we run to catch things like the bus but i think our timing is starting to get worse. We had interviews in Budapest this week but we wanted to meet with É before we left. It turned into a super serious program with her about baptism and we ended up getting out late and missed our train. We ran all the way to the train station and had 1,5 minutes to spare before the train left but the ticket lady wouldnt give us a ticket :( But luckily we finally got another train and ran to the mission home. We were still a little late but interviews went well. It sounds like there will be a lot of change this next transfer.

We only had time to go tracting twice this week and both times we didnt get to go for very long. The first time, we found a guy name J and we had an awesome program with him.His wife had just died a few months before and he had been wondering if he would ever see her again. It was an awesome lesson and we had just enough time to meet with him. The 2nd time tracting wasnt so successful....we had 2 different men come and tell us to leave before they called the cops. They were both wearing speedos. It was quite an experience.

May 1st was a huge holiday in Szolnok. It is like Labor Day in America and they really went out. They had like this carnival thing in the middle of this street and we met pretty much everyone of our investigators there. It was pretty funny because they took us around introducing us to all their friends because we are American and speak Hungarin weird. It was some good missionary finding though. Hungarians really know how to celebrate.

We also played the candy bar game where you wrap a candy bar in newspaper and everyone has to try and open in with spoons for game night. It was so funny!!! They loved it! The people here are so funny! And there are so many kids. They keep my creative juices flowing. Hopefully I can keep it up.

We have also seen a lot of miracles this week. We went out to see an RCLA that lived quite a ways away. She hasnt been answering our phone calls but we went out there anyway and she told us that she had been expecting us to come. She didnt have any money to call us and was praying that we would come. She had been sick and said she really needed the visit.

É- we have had quite a few programs with É this week. She wants to be baptized so bad but she hasnt been able to talk to her living partner about getting married. In one of our programs, I learned so much from her. I felt like she was teaching me so much! She talked about how she felt like she had never noticed the good things that she had in her life and that she was always looking for something more. The more she looked for something more instead of being grateful for what she got, the less she found. It was such a good lesson for me to learn. I really need to look and be grateful for the things that I do have now, rather than the things that I dont, because I may not always have those good things around me. I love É so much!

Yesterday was probably our craziest day of the week. The M came to church again by themselves. I love them! The branch members are really all starting to love them too. They sang in church for Hungarian Mothers day andthey did such a good job. Primary was good too. A little crazy but I think they learned something. After church, the branch president came with us to their house to meet their parents and talk about baptism. The girls want to be baptized SO bad, but there is still a lot to understand. Luckily, the branch president is super supportive and is even having the kids go to Budapest for Stake conference next week without the sisters. He felt like the ward really needs to help with the kids and get them really strong in the gospel. It was a super good program.

After that we had just gotten home to do some studies when the Smiths called us. They told us that one of the members husband had just left her and she really needed some help. She lives pretty far away and so the Smiths drove us out there immediately. It was a good thing we went when we did. She was having a really hard time. We read Alma 34 about how we can pray anytime and anywhere with her and she was supposedto stop after a few verses but kept reading to where it talks about how we cant just pray but we have to serve others too. She talked about even though she is in a hard situation (aka her husband just left her, she may lose her job, she may lose her house, she cant come to church and she is losing pretty much everything) she still needs to serve others. That is what true converstion really is. To look outside yourself even when everything else is falling apart. Awesome how the spirit works and lead her to just the verses she needed.It was a really sad program, but by the end she at least smiled a little bit. We will hopefully be able to meet with her again a few times this week.

Then we had a program with the F. It was super awesome but also super hard. This family is the greatest family ever and gives us everything even though they have nothing. We talked about the priesthood and the importance of baptism. It is just so hard to know the needs of our investigators sometimes. This program we were able to stick more with the scriptures though and that really helped bring the spirit. The scriptures really do tell us everything that we need to do better than what anyone else can do.

Then we went over and had another program with É. We were going to be there when she talked with her husband. Hardest and most awkward program ever. When she told him that she wanted to get married so she could get baptized, he told her she cant get baptized, they arent getting married and walked out the door. It was devastating. We had done a special fast with her too this week. It was really hard, but I think she is becoming stronger and being able to rely on the Lord more because of it. She is an awesome lady! And I love her daughter too!!!

And today we also met with N. We have had some of the best programs with him. But we werent sure how interested in the gospel he really was. So we invited a member to come, and he freaked out and said he didnt want to meet anymore. That was a little bit of a hard program but I also learned a lot from it.

Right after that we had a program with M though and it went so well!! He read and prayed about being baptized and he thinks he may be ready in the summer. He said he has been getting a lot of answers to questions. Things are going so well with him.

Anyways....thats short run down about our week. Things are really going great even though sometimes we have no idea what we are doing. But it really is amazing the miracles that we have  seen every day as we just go out and get to work. God does qualify the called. All He asks is that we serve Him and trust in Him and somehow the rest of it all works out. Its been a good week! I cant wait toskype with you all next week. I love you!

FAlslev Nővér

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