Monday, June 30, 2014

The gospel really can change people!

Wow! I love being a missionary. I cant believe another week is already gone. It has been a great week.

Our investigators are doing great! We have had some really good programs this week. We met with É and it was such a great program. She was having a really hard time this week. We asked her to bear her testimony to us this week and it was so simple but it really made her realize that she does know a lot more than she thought. And it also helped her realize that she can use the priesthood right now in her life. She asked for a priesthood blessing and we had one of the Elders give it to her. It was such a good blessing. I am so grateful for the priesthood! It really is so powerful! and was just what she needed! We just have to continue to help her make those steps towards baptism. She is just great!

We also had a good program of inviting the spirit into the M home. For some reason, I kept feeling like we needed to go over to the girls house on a certain day when we didnt really have a lot of time. I am so grateful we ended up going even though it was for only a few minutes. I think God sent us there to protect the girls. I love being a missionary. We were able to just take the kids in the room and we started seeing primary songs with them. It was really hard for them to sing at first, but as we continued to sing and sat around in a circle, you could just literally feel the spirit protecting us. And it calmed everything down that was going on in their apartment. God literally does send angels to watch over His children.

K is doing so well! We met with him and he had read LOTS out of the BOM and he had studied all about the priesthood in the back of the BOM and had a lot of questions for us. He said that he loved church because he just felt like this was his place. He has been going to another church every week but lately he had been feeling that he wasnt in the right place. He loved church and has been learning a lot. Unfortunately he is going to be working in another city until the middle of July so we cant meet with him for a while. :(

We also went on splits to Debrecen. I got to go with Sister Jensen again! It was just like old times! I love her! and learned a lot from her! It was a really good time. We even got to run a short marathon on the way to Debrecen haha! I mistook the bus numbers and got us on the wrong bus. We had to run forever to the trainstation carrying all of our things. I was so exhausted! But right as we walked up on the train platform, the train came. If we would have been a minute later, we would have missed it. Thank goodness for the little every day miracles!

This week, we also got to do a family night with É and D, and B and the two kids (both the husbands couldnt come :(. ) Anyways, we did a cool activity with them about following their parents voice and being like sheep following a shephard. We read John 10 with them and it was a really good lesson. It is amazing to see the change in them each and every time we meet. They are getting more and more warmed up to the Gospel and learning bit by bit by bit. We also played the game 'dont eat Pete' with the reeses pieces mom sent me. I was laughing so hard! They loved that game so much! And I think the adults enjoyed it even more than the kids. And they loved the american candy....they ate the whole bag!!! haha! It was a great night!

But my favorite day this week, was Sunday. Church was just great! We had quite a few investigators come and all the talks were so good for them! Primary turned out really good and all the kids were good! And then Sunday night we were just going to go around and try and do a little bit of streeting. And I kept having this feeling that we needed to go see M. She is an RCLA who we have met with almost once a week and honestly, she is the most hard-heardened person I have ever met. I did not want to go meet with her last night because I knew I would be really frustrated after we left the lesson. I have been wondering why we even bother going back to her....honestly it is because the branch president has just kept asking us not to give up on her even when she tells us she doesnt want our help and doesnt want to talk about 'our God' or anything. Anyways, we only had 20 minutes left, I was tired and just wanted to start heading back home, but we ended up going anyway. And it was a miracle program.

It started off how it normally was super awkward. Didnt really know what to talk about. She had even started to make fun of my hungarian a little. I just really wanted to leave. She tolds us that she found a job and things had finally started to look a little up for her. But when I looked at her, I knew she wasnt happy. And then the question just popped out of my mouth....M, are you really happy? She just turned and looked at me and I knew that I had asked the very question that she had been thinking herself. And it was just amazing as the spirit took over. I knew exactly what scriptures I needed to read with her. One of them spoke about being humble. She turned to us and said, 'I have been too prideful and havent listened to God. I am tired of following my own path. Will you help me be humble? It is a huge weakness of mine'.  We ended up reading Ether 12:27 which used the exact phrasing of her question in the scripture. It was an amazing lesson. When we ended the lesson, we asked her to kneel down and say a prayer asking God what she needed to do. When we all kneeled down and she began her humble, repentant prayer, it just literally felt like we were all surrounded by angels. I just couldnt help but feeling an overwhelming amount of love for M even though she hasnt been very nice to us since the very first day I got here. All of that was forgotten and I just wanted nothing more that for her to just come back to church and come back to the Savior. That is exactly the same way that the Savior feels with us. When we repent and we have that desire to improve and do better, He doesnt care what we have done in the past, He just wants us to come unto Him and make a better life for ourselves in the future. He wants to lead us and guide us. And as we ask for His help, He will be more than willing to send it. Sometimes we are just too stubborn and prideful to recognize it. It was an awesome lesson.

When coming home, I made quite a few phone calls telling the branch members that they really needed to go over and see her. I couldnt help but think of the parable that Christ gave when a man who lost 1 coin out of 10 and when he finally found the coin he told all this neighbors and had a big feast so that they could also rejoice. It was an awesome learning experience for me. Being a missionary is the greatest blessing in the whole world! I love being a missionary! It is the greatest feeling in the whole world!

I know that through the Gospel, everyone can change. No matter what their circumstances or past mistakes are. I know that the gospel can literally lift burdens and guilt and shame away and replace it with peace, happiness, and forgiveness. The gospel is powerful. It can change people in an instance. We just have to be the ones who first decide to open our hearts. I love this gospel!

Love you all!

Falslev Nővér

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